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By selecting the right tools for your company's particular product, brand or campaign, your organization can fulfill the desire and expectations that customers now have for interaction. | |
This white paper examines the ways in which organizations can tap into Web 2.0 interaction as part of the marketing strategy and tactics to create customer engagement by matching visitors' passion and to figure out the "best fit" for the new opportunities that present themselves. In doing so, you can address online visitors in each phase of their buying cycle including awareness, interest, desire, action and satisfaction. |
Effectively promotes all aspects of renewable energy technology in the worldwide marketplace. | |
Renewable Energy World provides authoritative articles, case studies and essential news on global developments in the renewables sector. Every issue includes features on wind power, solar thermal, photovoltaics and biomass. Regular coverage is also devoted to geothermal, energy storage, small hydro, and hybrid systems. |
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