ExamForce IT Certification Study Guide Bundle, Free ExamForce Study Guide
Practice Exams and study guides go hand in hand, and ExamForce produces some of the highest quality reference material available. ExamForce's certified instructors craft these study guides so they follow each exam's specific and recommended objection categories to ensure that you've got what you need come exam day. | |
Free Study Guides in this Offer: Microsoft
Free 1Z0SY0-201 CompTIA Security+ and 51 page Study Guide. | |
CompTIA's Security+ exam is a critical step for anyone interested in IT security. It's a key component in the Department of Defense's 8570.1 initiative that mandates federal IT workers and contractors gain security certifications to work with the federal government. The ExamForce SY0-201 CompTIA Security+ practice exam provides a unique triple testing mode to instantly set a baseline of your knowledge and focus your study where you need it most, while the 51 page Study Guide provides high quality reference material — a valuable companion to the practice exams. ExamForce's SY0-201 CompTIA Security+ covers the following CompTIA's recommended objective categories:
The Lambers method of instruction uses case examples and illustrative problems to help you grasp the concept being taught, and remember it. This method of instruction has been used in our classrooms and self-study materials since the inception of the Lambers program. This method of teaching was “born in the classroom” and refined over years by the Lambers professors. | |||||||
The Lambers course is unique, in that the materials are written by instructors that actually teach the courses. The Lambers staff gives as much attention to omission as inclusion of subject matter in each review. Topics are presented only if they are relevant to the exam. A busy candidate has no time to spend on possible, but not probable, exam subjects. Choose the Module you would like to receive:
ExamForce's Windows 7, Configuring CramMaster will prepare you to pass the Microsoft 70-680 exam. CramMaster 70-680 practice exam provides their unique triple testing mode to instantly set a baseline of your knowledge and focus your study where you need it most. | |
Candidates for this exam operate in computing environments that use Microsoft Windows 7 as a desktop operating system in an enterprise environment. Candidates should have at least one year of experience in the IT field, as well as experience implementing and administering any Windows client operating system in a networked environment. CramMaster 70-680 covers the following Microsoft recommended objectives:
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