Title: The Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering the Design & Copy of Calls-to-Action | |
Primary Category: Sales & Marketing | |
Short Description: Calls-To-Action (CTAs) are one of the key lead generation elements, and they should be used in each and every one of your marketing tactics: emails, social media updates, press releases, trade shows … the list goes on. In fact, whenever you want to ensure your team is moving in the right direction, pose the question, “What's the call-to-action we're using to drive people's behavior?” | |
Long Description: This question will guide you in thinking through each of the steps in the sales cycle, from brand awareness to purchase. Before you produce a marketing video, for example, ask yourself what you want viewers to do after watching it. Before you post an update to Facebook or Twitter, consider what options for engagement you are giving to your fans and followers. | |
Publisher: HubSpot, Inc. |
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