

jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials--Free 25 Page Excerpt, Free Packt Enterprise eBook Excerpt

jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials--Free 25 Page Excerpt, Free Packt Enterprise eBook Excerpt

Title: jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials--Free 25 Page Excerpt
Primary Category: Computers
Short Description: jQuery Mobile is a unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms.
Long Description: It is compatible with all major mobile, tablet, e-reader and desktop platforms like iOS, Android, Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Nokia/Symbian, and Windows Phone 7.

jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials will explain how to create mobile-optimized sites with the easiest, most practical HTML/JavaScript framework available and to add the framework to your HTML pages to create rich, mobile-optimized web pages with minimal effort.

Throughout the book, you'll learn details that help you become a pro at mobile web development. You begin with simple HTML and quickly enhance it using jQuery Mobile for incredible mobile-optimized sites. Start by learning the building blocks of jQuery Mobile's component-driven design. Dig into forms, events, and styling, then finish by building native mobile applications. You will learn how to build websites and apps for touch devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry with the recently developed jQuery Mobile library through sample applications of increasing complexity.

Packt Enterprise books can be summed up through the tagline "Professional Expertise Distilled". They take in-the-trenches knowledge from experienced software professionals, and distil it into a single, easy to follow manuscript.
Publisher: Packt Enterprise

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