Sippy Cup |
So the day before yesterday, I ran out of drop in's. I thought, "do I go and buy some or do I try this sippy cup thing?" I did the sippy cup thing and it was by no means easy. I had to squirt the drink into his mouth so that he could taste it and realize, "hey, this is my yummy milk!" After about 3 squirts, a drenched chin and neck and a lot of fighting from him, he finally gabbed it from my hand and drank peacefully. THANK GOD! There was a sense of pride behind the whole thing. I watched as he enjoyed his sippy cup. Its been two days, and I tried giving him a nipple bottle. Guess what happened? He slapped it out of my hand. This kid is hilarious.
Side note: But now, my hands are already dry from washing all the pieces to the cup three times a day. If it ain't one thing, it's another.
My advice to new mothers is to do what works for you. As time passes and we become more confident in our skills, so does the child and with that being said, everything doesn't have to be so complicated, by the book or like someone else's experience.
We don't give the human species enough credit to realize that we are smart and amazing creatures built to grow and learn.
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