

Mom's are busy.

It never hit me, until I became one. Mom's are busy. So for the sake of the moms reading this, I'll keep everything short and sweet. Truth is, I won't have much time to complete this if it weren't short and sweet. I'm not a single mom, however my son's father and I have no family nearby to help out. Children are a blessing. They warm your heart everyday, but it takes a lot of work.

What I love about motherhood so far is that everything comes so naturally. No one told me what to do really. I did some research and the rest was learn as you go (consulting the good ole google). So if you are freaking out about motherhood, don't. Just take it easy, take a deep breath and tell yourself, this stage won't last forever.

Here's my view of motherhood. I've learned that there's a mommy in me and she is a super woman. One thing that really helps is ONLINE SHOPPING! Why? Because I don't have to worry about getting the baby ready, heading out, purchasing items, and getting them back home. I'd much rather wait on UPS to ring the bell.


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